Zachary Barkey (zgbarkey)


Topic: "How to build better relationships with family and friends"


  1. WordPress Topic Page: Here
  2. Topic/Blog Pen: Here
  3. VDrive Blog/Topic: Here
  4. CSIS Server: Here
  5. 000Webhost: Here

Which hosting platform, (a), (b), or (c), above, do you think is best for keeping information about articles? Why?

Personally, I think the VDrive is my favorite way of storing my articles. It is easy to use, and so far it is performing well. I like the fact that it is associated with my svsu account, but I can see why that isn't the best in all situations.
That being said, the CSIS server may be way better, I just havent gotten it to work yet. 000WebHost seems like a great option for free webhosting, but as of right now I simply prefer hosting with svsu than another party.

Edit: The CSIS Server is working fine now.


  1. phpProject13 Index.php: Here
  2. phpProject13 My own added Junk html file: Here
    The repo's clone link:
  3. phpProject13 on CSIS: Here
    Note: I deleted the index.php for the CSIS version so that it shows the list of files.
  4. Screenshots of merge conflict: Error Message
    File after conflict
    Resolved Conflict


  1. Prog03: Here
    I chose to use the CSIS Server because I already am using github for this so I should get more expirience with other forms of web hosting. Plus I can use Notepad++ to edit my csis server.
  2. The CSS in case you want it: Here


I'm pretty sure all you need is the html since we did all the scripts internally so here you go:

Program 4


Program 5


Program 6

My List of things JQuery does different than Javascript:

  1. JQuery handles getting info from elements differently. You can get elements by id, class, or tag like JS, but you use a much shorter $() instead.
  2. JQuery has a totally different subset of events, event handling, and manipulation, all of which are made easier by JQuery.
  3. In JQuery you can call methods to change CSS directly on an object, rather than having to change the style tag
  4. JQuery has support for different browsers, along with mobile vs desktop
  5. JQuery enables forms of animation to be used inside your code with events or methods being executed


Program 7